
Featured conversations

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The Gift of Movement

The Gift of Movement

“When we are free to move, anything is possible” was the tagline for a series of Toyota commercials that aired during the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea.
That tagline is also the story of my life.
Following an active 1960s childhood of riding my bike, swimming in the neighbors’ pool, and playing backyard softball, I started exercising regularly in college. I usually worked out 4 or 5 days a week but often found myself debating about whether or not to do it on any given day.

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Overcoming Fear and Finding Happiness

I have come to realize that most of our decisions, big or small, are heavily influenced by two things – fear and happiness. We do not realize that our choices are often made to either avoid what we are afraid of or find our bliss. Sometimes the two are in conflict and whichever dominates at that particular time determines the direction we take. The thing is, our fear is often unfounded or over-exaggerated, and what we think will make us happy ultimately does not – at least not as permanently as we’d hoped

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Why WeRunWithYou

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. ~Lao Tzu …and apparently many falls To better understand why I wanted to create WeRunWithYou, we have to rewind time a few years. You see, three years ago my life forever changed. In the midst of enjoying time with my family in California, I collapsed and slipped into a coma. Unbeknownst to anyone at the time, an aneurism along my vertebral artery had burst causing a subarachnoid hemorrhage, which caused my brain and body to simply shutdown…

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How to Love Better by Loving Yourself First

How to Love Better by Loving Yourself First

This is the time of the year for most of us to celebrate love. Love permeates our lives to the point where the word becomes overused. We love our family, our pets, our favorite restaurant. We love sushi. We even say we love our mailman for bringing parcels to our door. The one direction our love seems to be least directed is towards ourselves, even though we can’t truly and fully love others if we do not love ourselves first. We pay it no attention, or worse, purposely avoid it thinking of it as a selfish act. After some inward reflection, I’ve decided to work on a few ways to treat myself better, so I can be happier and do a better job of loving my wife, kids, family, and friends. Maybe you can too.

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